Students pursue bachelor’s and master’s degrees in finance to pursue a wide array of careers. A finance degree offers extreme flexibility: you can pursue jobs at all levels of the corporate world or choose to set up your own business, inside or outside the financial services industry.
What Is an Online Finance Degree Program?
Online finance degree programs prepare students for careers as financial analysts, financial managers, investment bankers, financial clerks, securities and commodities sales agents, accountants, and auditors. Typical courses include statistics, investments, financial management, and financial analysis.
If you’re considering a specialized finance major, you might explore banking and financial support services, business and personal/financial services, marketing operations, credit management, finance, financial management services, financial planning and services, international finance, investments and securities, or public finance.
Why Choose an Online Finance Degree?
Whether you’re already working in business or looking to start a new career, you can get an online degree in finance from an online school. Colleges and universities offer online school programs that can prepare you for positions as financial clerks, analysts, managers and more with an online degree in finance.
These online programs are flexible, which allows people of varying circumstances to pursue a finance degree. For example, some professionals choose to pursue a finance degree as a mid-life career change with the help of these accessible online degrees.
A finance degree can qualify you for lucrative, secure jobs. A strong financial team is essential to any organization’s success.
How Much Does an Online Finance Degree Cost?
The cost of a finance degree is comparable to other bachelor’s degrees. You can expect to pay $200 – $600 per credit hour for an online bachelor’s degree in finance. Tuition costs for a four-year degree fall between $24,000 – $75,000, depending on a number of factors, including geography and school reputation.
Costs sometimes vary for in-state and out-of-state students, although many online schools charge a flat rate no matter your residence location. Online tuition is often more affordable than on-site costs precisely because it does not discriminate according to student location. Also, schools that are primarily online institutions do not have the costs that traditional schools have. For instance, they do not have to build and maintain numerous administrative and classroom buildings, supply student housing or offer student meals. Online schools have much lower overhead which means they can offer you an excellent education at a lower price.
How Much Do Finance Majors Make?
While many finance bachelor’s degree holders seek careers as financial analysts and financial managers, others enjoy careers as budget analysts, financial planners, personal financial advisors, securities and commodities sales agents, accountants and auditors. The median salary for all financial occupations is approximately $72,250. Those with experience and/or a master’s degree can make well over $100,000, well over the median salary of US jobholders. According to the US Census Bureau, that figure was $41, 535 in 2020, a slight decrease from 2019.
What Is the Job Outlook for Finance Degree Holders?
The job outlook for finance degree majors is positive. Experts estimate all finance professions will grow five percent from 2019 to 2029, adding 476,200 jobs. This growth rate is higher than the average of all other professions. Globalization, growing economies and complicated tax structures are driving the demand for accountants, financial managers, investment managers, etc. Although estimates can change, currently, the job outlook for most finance degree holders is excellent and promises to stay that way for the next decade. If you are looking for an industry that is on the upswing, finance looks like a good choice.
Many scholarships are available for finance majors. Some of the most lucrative are:
- F&P America Business Scholarship – $5000
- Surety Industry Scholarship Program for Minority Students – $5000
- Butler Business Scholarship – $2000
- Big Man Fritsche Scholarship – 1000 – $5000
You can apply for dozens of other scholarships, some that require an essay and some that do not. Also, individual online colleges often have their own scholarships and forms of financial aid. Finance majors enjoy multiple scholarship opportunities that make getting their degree much more affordable.
FAQs About Online Finance Degrees
Final Notes
A finance degree offers most recipients excellent career opportunities. You can find affordable online programs that deliver an excellent education in this area and prepare you to succeed in a number of financial positions. Also, you can easily specialize in areas such as securities or international finance, especially if you pursue an advanced degree.
Finance positions are not limited to the boardroom. You can devote your working life to a charity or other non-profit organization if you wish. Educational institutions also rely on financial guidance to keep their doors open and their curriculum up-to-date. Even your local school district hires experienced financial people to navigate yearly budgets and state funding. In many ways, money does make the world go round, and as an expert in finance, you can be an influential figure in your community while earning a comfortable living.
Summary Information
- Online, on-site, hybrid and accelerated programs available.
- Programs typically take 36 – 48 months to complete.
- Master’s degrees take an additional 12 – 48 months to finish.
- High salary range compared with other professions.
- Excellent 10-year industry outlook.
- Ability to choose from many specialties.
- Program costs begin as low as $24,000.
- On-site programs generally cost more than online options.
- Certain prestigious university programs are the most expensive, charging up to $75,000 for tuition only.